February 13
- Networking Our connections are among our most important resources, and are essential for development. The key objective for partner organizations is to help young entrepreneurs meet the right people and make promising contacts. The event programme offers a u...
Our connections are among our most important resources, and are essential for development. The key objective for partner organizations is to help young entrepreneurs meet the right people and make promising contacts. The event programme offers a unique blend of managed networking and education. A number of well-known entrepreneurs will take part in the networking session.
The problems faced by young people include seeking out and attracting investment, wrong choices with respect to goals and strategies, the absence of a clear plan and a loss of focus, poor resource management, a lack of understanding of their clients’ needs, difficulties with scaling up their projects, weak use of technology, the absence of a global vision, ineffective marketing and PR, limited access to capital, the failure to make the necessary contacts, and many other issues and mistakes that prevent them from developing their businesses and achieving the results they want. Books, articles, courses, and educational programmes form a system of knowledge, but do not give young entrepreneurs the opportunity to see themselves and their business through the eyes of others or to determine exactly what action to take in concrete situations. Assistance with diagnosing problems can only be provided by more experienced mentors, and by the environment in which the young person finds themselves.
The objective of the Social Enterprise Project Lab is to come up with proposals for the development of social enterprise projects based on presentations of existing projects by the winners of the Russian national Best Social Project of the Year competition. The key feature of this foresight session will be group work using technology for immersion in situational working models. The main results produced by the project groups will take the form of models for the subsequent development and promotion of existing social enterprise projects. By taking part in the Social Enterprise Project Lab, participants in the foresight session will gain knowledge about social enterprise, together with the opportunity to talk to the creators of real social enterprise projects and experience in project and team work.
Session will continue 14:30 - 16:00
- Mind the Gap – The Generation Gap in the Labour Market as an Obstacle to the Development of the Russian Economy The values of Generation Y and their impressions of the labour market and of their place within it today could become one of the key factors hindering the development of the Russian economy. The differences between this generation and the precedin...
The values of Generation Y and their impressions of the labour market and of their place within it today could become one of the key factors hindering the development of the Russian economy. The differences between this generation and the preceding one are quite clear – particularly with respect to their attitudes to work and career strategies. Research indicates that young people are not prepared to take risks and do not consider private entrepreneurship to be a possible direction for them, and this could potentially lead to a reduction in the share of private entrepreneurship within the Russian economy. Neither do young people demonstrate a desire to work as employees, however. This is to a large extent connected with the characteristic traits of this generation, which include a desire to occupy executive positions without possessing the corresponding skills, an overinflated assessment of their own abilities, unrealistic expectations, and an inability to concentrate on the same project or task for a long period of time. At the same time, the unwillingness of current employers to take these generational features into account is also a problem. Moreover, as businesses develop and grow, their requirements diversify and expand, and it becomes increasingly difficult for them to employ members of Generation Y. As such, the demands and expectations of candidates and employers with respect to each other are only growing. How can this problem be solved? How can the gap between candidates and employers be reduced and common ground identified?
Key issues:
• Problems with young people’s adaptation to the labour market
• The specifics of Generation Y’s approach to career motivation and selecting a career development path
• Employers’ expectations and impressions of Generation Y
• Successful practices for collaboration between employers and Generation Y
• Corporate training opportunities
- Volunteering as an Investment in the Country’s Future 2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. One key outcome of this was the creation of the infrastructure required to further develop the movement and increase the number of citizens engaging in volunteering to 14 million. A federal pr...
2018 was declared the Year of the Volunteer in Russia. One key outcome of this was the creation of the infrastructure required to further develop the movement and increase the number of citizens engaging in volunteering to 14 million. A federal programme entitled ‘Social Activism’ was drawn up: an action plan covering the period through to 2024 which tackles volunteer mobility and the promotion of volunteering, regional subsidies, training courses, and much more.
Key issues:
• The ‘Social Activism’ federal project as the Year of the Volunteer’s legacy
• The contribution of volunteers in key areas of national development
• The socio-economic impact of volunteering
- Best Practices in Modern Sustainable Cities Development In an era of rapid urbanization and paradigm shifts in global development, the international community is seeking best practices for achieving sustainable urban development in both developed and developing countries. In order to make urban agglome...
In an era of rapid urbanization and paradigm shifts in global development, the international community is seeking best practices for achieving sustainable urban development in both developed and developing countries. In order to make urban agglomerations sustainable, it is important to study and widely apply best practices (both Russian and global) and lessons learned from specific projects aimed at improving the contemporary urban environment. Another, no less important, issue for the socioeconomic development of the cities of the future relates to young people’s choice of profession and cultivation of the skills they need to advance successfully and follow their personal growth trajectories. What projects might help us to achieve the UN Sustainable Development Goals (particularly Goal 11 on sustainable cities)? Could they be implemented in Russia’s major cities? Which professions will be in demand for developing the cities of the future? A roadmap will be drawn up for implementing the projects discussed at the session, and an international community, Friends of Cities, will be launched to share best practices with the ultimate aim of facilitating future collaboration.
- The Cybersports Industry as a Development Path for the IT Industry The size of the computer games market in the Russian Federation has reached significant heights in recent years: Russia is now home to more than 65 million gamers who spend around USD 1.7 billion every year, making the Russian computer games marke...
The size of the computer games market in the Russian Federation has reached significant heights in recent years: Russia is now home to more than 65 million gamers who spend around USD 1.7 billion every year, making the Russian computer games market the eleventh largest in the world. It is clear that the computer games sector, and indeed all sectors involved in the process, including developers as well as producers of computer equipment and peripheral computer devices, are of considerable importance to the Russian economy. This discussion panel will hear from speakers representing executive and legislative bodies, the industry community, and producers and developers of computer games and associated devices, with the objective of developing a road map to offer support to the domestic computer games industry.
The national goals for developing small and medium entrepreneurship set out by the President of the Russian Federation and included in the SMEs and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative project pose a challenge for executive authorities, development institutes, infrastructure support organizations, and public entrepreneurial associations. Achieving good outcomes over the long term will require synergy, with stakeholders joining forces and agreeing plans of action at the federal and regional levels. Throughout history, breakthrough ideas and results have most commonly been produced by young, aspiring leaders with a fresh outlook who are prepared to think outside the box, set and achieve ambitious goals, and join forces to reach shared outcomes. Session participants will include young entrepreneurs and opinion leaders, economic development ministers and the heads of organizations providing infrastructure support to entrepreneurs, and representatives from development institutes and public entrepreneurial associations. Together, they will come up with a strategy for pooling their efforts and resources in order to meet the targets set out in the national project. During this session on design thinking technology, participants will work together to come up with a strategy for pooling the efforts and resources of government and business to achieve the national project targets in the regions.
- The Digital World Is Already Here! Are You Ready? Mobility, robotization, big data, artificial intelligence – these are no longer trends, but things that we are already living with. Humans are gradually making the move from the natural environment into an artificial one – the digital world. The u...
Mobility, robotization, big data, artificial intelligence – these are no longer trends, but things that we are already living with. Humans are gradually making the move from the natural environment into an artificial one – the digital world. The use of digital technologies has become a precondition for competitiveness and development in the service sector. Innovations in the digital sphere are today becoming an irreplaceable tool, not only for improving efficiency within target industries, but also in everyday life. Today, it is not only corporations that are opting to go down the digital route, small and medium-sized businesses are, too. It is believed that, in our time, it is the digital world that is influencing and stimulating progress in the development of enterprise, the global economy, and social life. Is this the case?
Key issues:
• The potential of financial, political, and educational systems in a digital world
• The opportunities and risks of a global digital reorientation as we see them
• Are we ready for digital world? Our strengths and weaknesses.
Today, attracting investment is among the key preconditions for achieving sustainable economic growth. Investments are making it possible to accelerate scientific and technological progress, improve quality and competitiveness in production, and develop the associated environment and infrastructure. At the same time, the investment attractiveness of a country to a large extent comprises a range of institutional factors, the majority of which are put in place and supported at a regional level. Those responsible for creating an attractive environment are regional government authorities, where the quality of staff is often one of the key conditions determining the effectiveness of work with investors. The young people’s model for attracting investment is a business game for students, young professionals, and entrepreneurs who are interested in investment policy, public–private partnerships, and the socio-economic development of the state. The model aims to engage young people in learning from the experience of Russia’s regions about attracting investment, creating competitive conditions for business, and developing and implementing socio-economic development strategies.
Aims of the model:
• To learn from the experience of Russia’s regions about attracting investment and developing innovative potential at a time of technological transition
• To analyse the strengths and weaknesses of regions, and the opportunities and threats presented by the fourth industrial revolution
• To form a comprehensive view among young people of current socio-economic development challenges
• To formulate proposals from young people about addressing the problems presently facing Russia’s regions, and to put forward a model for development that can tackle the challenges of the fourth industrial revolution
- Developing a Culture of Russian Entrepreneurship Objectives to increase the number of small and medium-sized businesses and make starting a business a more popular option have recently been set. In approaching these tasks, however, it is extremely important not to neglect the issue of the qualit...
Objectives to increase the number of small and medium-sized businesses and make starting a business a more popular option have recently been set. In approaching these tasks, however, it is extremely important not to neglect the issue of the quality of the entrepreneurial environment, and to give thought to the moral reference points that the entrepreneurial community will use to operate, and to what ethical and spiritual principles will be at the core of interactions between enterprise and society on one hand, and enterprise and government on the other. Do we have any traditions that we can use to guide us?
Key issues:
• What are the consequences of not knowing about the history of entrepreneurship in Russia?
• Could Pavel Tretyakov, Nikolay Alekseyev, the Ryabushinsky family, and the Khludov family provide reference points and challenges for modern Russian entrepreneurs?
• How can the names of prominent Russian entrepreneurs be made part of Russia’s national heritage once again?
- Attracting Investment into the Development of the Digital Economy in Russia – Successful Experiences of Early Investors The two major trends in the 21st-century economy are globalization and digitalization. The digitalization trend is only growing stronger, making it a promising area for investment. Amid the startup boom, business representatives are searching for ...
The two major trends in the 21st-century economy are globalization and digitalization. The digitalization trend is only growing stronger, making it a promising area for investment. Amid the startup boom, business representatives are searching for the most effective solutions to help them attract venture capital into Russia’s developing market. In response, our country is flinging its doors wide open to foreign entrepreneurs and investors. What path will the digitalization of the economy take as it develops? What prospects are already open to investors? What does the future hold for the development of blockchain technology? How can those seeking them attract foreign capital and technology to their business project?
Key issues:
• Prospects and opportunities for investors and entrepreneurs as the state economic digitalization programme is rolled out
• Blockchain technology as a tool for improving trust between parties in the future economy
• Presentation of the Russian national Blockchallenge Russia competition
• Developing IT infrastructure projects: successful case studies.
- A Practical Track for IT Entrepreneurship Highly uncertain situations are a common feature of modern business. Established approaches to starting a business cannot guarantee results in an era of constant change. This is a truth encountered especially often by entrepreneurs implementing un...
Highly uncertain situations are a common feature of modern business. Established approaches to starting a business cannot guarantee results in an era of constant change. This is a truth encountered especially often by entrepreneurs implementing unusual, innovative ideas. Is it possible to reduce the risk of failure when embarking a new business project? This is a question long faced by IT startups, which operate in a rapidly changing, highly competitive market. Solutions have taken the form of new approaches to starting businesses and the rapid appraisal of business ideas, which are being successfully taught to ‘digital’ entrepreneurs by the Internet Initiatives Development Fund. This practical track will give participants the opportunity to try out one of the approaches practised in IT startups: customer development. This approach makes it possible to test the extent of demand for your business idea within a short period of time, and without the need for additional investment.
Developing Young Enterprise in the Context of the National SMEs and Support for Individual Entrepreneurial Initiative Project
The future of Russia and its overall development are dependent on the younger generation. Special attention is being paid to young enterprise as one of the main drivers in developing the economy of tomorrow.
Key issues:
• Federal and reg... -
The future of Russia and its overall development are dependent on the younger generation. Special attention is being paid to young enterprise as one of the main drivers in developing the economy of tomorrow.
Key issues:
• Federal and regional support measures for young enterprise
• Fostering entrepreneurial thinking among different age groups
• Creating communities as a key tool for the development of young enterprise
• Experienced mentors as the key to success
• Creating an investment culture within society
• Entering international markets and broadening the horizons of young entrepreneurs