The Greenhouses of Russia Association is a non-profit organization that brings together the greenhouse enterprises producing over 80% of Russian vegetables.
In 2015–2018, Russia’s insulated soil industry saw a steady development. Over this time, 832 hectares of greenhouses were introduced, over 154.1 billion roubles were invested; a share of the direct costs incurred in the amount of 19,862.81 million roubles was reimbursed, as well as a share of interest on investment loans in the amount of 33,622.30 million roubles. As of today, the total area of Russian winter greenhouses exceeds 2.8 thousand hectares.
Over the scope of 5 years, the production of greenhouse vegetables in the country’s agricultural enterprises increased by 50% (from 615,000 tons in 2013 to 922,000 tons in 2017), and in 2018 it exceeded 1 million tons for the first time, which creates opportunity for the growth of the country’s export potential.
Association of Innovative Regions of Russia (AIRR)
The Association of Innovative Regions of Russia brings together the regions of the Russian Federation to support and promote innovative economic, scientific, technical and educational projects.
The Association includes 16 Russian regions: Republic of Bashkortostan, Republic of Mordovia, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Republic of Tatarstan, Altai Territory, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Perm Territory, Irkutsk Region, Kaluga Region, Lipetsk Region, Novgorod Region, Novosibirsk Region, Samara Region, Tomsk Region, Tyumen Region, Ulyanovsk Region.
These member regions account for 20.2 % of the Russian gross regional product and for 36 % of all country’s innovative production.
Belgorod Region
The strategy for the digital transformation of the Belgorod Region transport industry. The results of a smart transport system that has been built based on automated systems for weight and dimensional control, mobile weight control posts as well as photo and video cameras. Experience in solving Smart City problems based on smart cameras produced by companies from the IT cluster of the Belgorod Region.
Lipetsk is the capital of a relatively small region in the central part of Russia. The city’s dynamic growth in the 20th century was provided by NLMK – the largest metallurgy producer in Europe, the mineral water resort and the aviation centre, where many famous cosmonauts and military pilots studied.
Today, the city is betting on digitalization. Smart Lipetsk is the comfortable and well-planned urban environment, as well as the economy based on innovation and environmentally friendly technologies. Investors and partners that accept this challenge along with us, will discover Lipetsk favourable business climate, a developed industry, a serious scientific base, qualified personnel, and a well-kept green city, where it is interesting to live and work.
Moscow ranks among the world’s largest business and financial centres and it is a region that boasts high investment potential. Over the last several years, the city government introduced a set of measures to lower the cost of doing business, simplify administrative procedures and improve the quality of tax and tariff policies.
The City of Moscow’s interactive display at the Russian Investment Forum 2019 showcases infrastructure and financial opportunities the city offers investors: a developed urban environment, public-private partnership mechanisms, new platforms to expand the business’s local content, as well as industrial complexes and technology parks for hi-tech operations.
All these factors contribute to incremental investment potential of Russia’s capital.
City therms
City therms is a unique concept of an accessible resort with pools, baths and saunas, spa treatment and children’s play area.
City therms bring together the interests of entrepreneurs, government and consumers:
- a profitable investment project;
- a city sight;
- a place for relaxation that brings longevity.
Build a resort in your city!
Irkutsk Region has high economic potential, developed modern infrastructure, favourable investment climate and advantageous geographical position.
The following investment projects will be presented at the region’s exposition:
- Medium-haul passenger aircraft;
- Gas and chemicals complex;
- The project for creating a new production facility for modern road materials, `“road chemicals”, and more;
Kaluga Region is the consolidation centre for successful business projects and advanced technology. This is the main philosophy of the Region’s stand. The display will showcase high-tech solutions and the Region’s investment and infrastructure opportunities, as well as world-level products from such leading companies as: Nearmedic, L’Oréal, Merkator Holding, Centre-Trade, Karelia Upofloor, VMK-Invest, etc. Guests will get a chance to test and try any product or technology at the stand. The display will also offer an interactive presentation zone, as well as a comfortable meeting area where our competent and sociable experts will be happy to welcome you.
For over 20 years, Kivach Clinic has been engaged in body cleansing (detox). The clinic specializes in integrative medicine and has been recognized as the Best Detox and Anti Age Clinic (Aurora Beauty & Health European Award, 2014). It practices advanced approach to diagnostics and treatment, including vegetative resonance testing, live blood analysis, spectral phototherapy, quantum endovenous laser therapy, lymphotropic therapy. Treatment programmes include cleansing at the cellular level, which leads to the restoration of the natural physiological balance, tissue renewal and normalization of the functions of all body systems and organs. As a result, immune system gets stronger, energy levels grow, work efficiency increases, and weight loss occurs.
Krasnodar Region’s stand will have a futuristic look – the city of the future – and project the Region’s development strategy till 2030. Participants of the Forum will get to see imaging of high-end technology aimed at improving the quality of life for locals. It will tell its visitors more about smart city projects with an emphasis on transportation and logistics, resorts and recreation, as well as historical and cultural preservation. The so-called ‘Movie platform’ is the stand’s gem: it helps any guest feel like a movie star. The stand’s business programme promises to be busy and cover a number of relevant topics.
Kursk Region will present its economic potential at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi. The display will demonstrate the Region’s successful ongoing projects, as well as new ones that require investment (under the President’s decree of 2018). Guests of the Forum will get to see the ExoLite assistive exoskeleton (Southwest State University) and the HolterLive Holter monitor (Sovtest ATE). Multimedia screens will tell visitors about the Region’s development, and guests will be welcome to use the meeting area. Make sure to visit our display. We are happy to see guests and partners!
Leningrad Region’s stand will showcase 3 industries: transport and logistics, food and forestry represented by the following companies – Galaktika, Orimi Trade, Jacobs Douwe Egberts Rus, Koporsky Ivan-tea, and Smurfit Kappa. Make sure to taste locally produced food at our stand.
The stand will also host Primorsky Transshipment Complex that will present its project of building a multifunctional deep-water seaport.
On 14 February, Leningrad Region will sign a number of agreements aimed at social and economic development of its territory.
Lipetsk Region
The Lipetsk exposition demonstrates the tourism potential of the Region, as well as its investment component. The stand presents promising investment opportunities aimed at the development of tourism infrastructure. The stand of Lipetsk Region is decorated in the style of the ‘Lipetsk Land’ tourist brand. The brand was designed in the course of implementation of a comprehensive programme to develop the identity of Lipetsk Region. The programme was aimed at increasing the appeal of the region for tourism and investment.
LUKOIL stand is dedicated to the company’s work in creating innovative bitumen materials for the construction of a new generation of roads.
The exhibition space includes a miniature modern bitumen laboratory with operating equipment, which allows visitors to evaluate the key parameters of bitumen materials and show the basic process of their creation. The exposition will present a unique interactive map of the Russian climatic zones, reflecting the requirements for road materials in the various regions of the Russian Federation.
The company’s stand is equipped with installations that present information about the testing, production and unique logistic solutions of LUKOIL’s new bituminous materials.
LUKOIL exposition will become the venue for signing cooperation agreements with the company’s new partners.
‘Education’ national project (managed by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation) includes 10 federal projects: ‘Modern school’, ‘Success for every child’, ‘Support for families with children’, ‘Teacher of the future’, ‘Young professionals’, ‘Digital educational environment’, ‘New opportunities for everyone’, ‘Social activity’, ‘Export of education’ and ‘Social lifts’. The national project opened opportunities for private-public partnership and social investment in education with a large market volume. Private investment is capable of speeding up social and economic development in Russia’s regions, as well as showing a high rate of return.
The North Caucasus Federal District traditionally presents its investment potential in a single stand. The joint exposition of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for the North Caucasus Affair, North Caucasus Development Corporation JSC, North Caucasus Resorts JSC, and seven regions of the district, includes the projects that are important for successful development of the regional economy and the North Caucasus as a whole. Grocery products and signature brands of the North Caucasus are also presented at the stand. Tasting of national cuisine dishes will be held for all forum participants at the Caucasian Cuisine zone. The business programme includes agreements signing, project presentations and negotiations with investors.
Nenets Autonomous Area is a region with a rich natural resource potential and a rapidly developing economy. Hydrocarbon fields and oil-producing sector determine its high economic growth, which is also driven by its unique natural-climatic complexes and biological resources.
The exhibition will include a presentation of the region’s investment potential, measures to support investors and key investment projects. The traditions and culture of the indigenous population of the area will be represented as well.
A number of agreements on interregional cooperation with the Nenets Autonomous Area will be signed during the Forum.
We are open for visitors and business partners!
Nizhny Novgorod Region has proven to be among the most industrially developed regions.
Industry is responsible for a third of local GRP. The Region ranks #7 in Russia in terms of production volume.
The display presents the Region’s investment potential, the status of national projects for social and economic development, as well as project proposals for co-investing.
On top of that, the display offers its guests a busy business programme that includes meetings, negotiations with potential investors and partners, as well as signing cooperation agreements with Russia’s regions, development institutes and investors.
Novgorod Region and Mobile Medical Complex
Novgorod Region for accessible primary care
The Mobile Medical Complex is a unique pilot project of the Government of Novgorod Region and the medical company PMK-MEDEK. The Mobile Medical Complex allows to provide specialized types of medical care to people in rural areas.
The Complex carries modern medical equipment, it is mobile, and it meets all licensing requirements and the requirements of accessible environment.
The Government of Novosibirsk Region prepared a display to promote the region’s potential and ongoing innovation projects. The Governor of Novosibirsk Region Andrey Travnikov will take part in the exhibition. The stand of the Region will present the local priority project entitled ‘Development of Novosibirsk Science Centre (Akademgorodok 2.0)’.
The projects to be demonstrated by Novosibirsk Science Centre address development of research and innovation infrastructure, as well as creation of hi-tech facilities based on large scientific (including mega-science ones) and end-to-end projects that involve everything from fundamental research to hi-tech products.
Axion Concern LLC specializes in the production and sale of various commercial products: medical and household appliances. The company has been producing medical devices and equipment for 45 years and currently manufactures a wide range of products for various medical purposes: cardiology, resuscitation, neonatology, surgery, and physiotherapy. Its medical devices are built in close cooperation with leading Russian clinics and research institutes. The high quality of the company’s products is evidenced by the numerous awards and certificates it has received at various competitions and exhibitions.
Penza region has been showing active development. The region is located at the crossroads of large transport thoroughfares and boasts abundant resources, developed industry, qualified manpower. All of it makes Penza Region attractive for investors.
The stand of Penza Region will tell its visitors about local support measures for investors and extensive projects aimed at developing the Region’s economy.
The display focuses on breakthrough projects and potential for investment with key areas being bioenergy and advanced grain processing.
The Region’s delegation will be headed by the Governor Ivan Belozertsev. The stand of Penza Region is scheduled to host signing ceremonies for a number of agreements with Russian and international companies, as well as investment projects presentations.
Perm Territory is a region with strong industrial potential and active institutions for supporting business.
Results of 2017:
- volume of investments: USD 3.9 billion
- volume of gross regional product: USD 16.3 billion
- volume of exports: USD 5.0 billion
- region’s investment rating: 2B (RaEx), medium potential: moderate risk
- credit rating on national scale AA-(RU) (ACRA), high level of solvency, outlook: stable
As of today:
47 investment projects in industry, production and social infrastructure are underway and supported by the regional government.
Total investment volume: 1,14 trillion roubles
New jobs creation: over 20,000 in 14 key sectors of the economy by 2037.
Primorye Territory is the ideal place for the export-oriented business, located where the land and sea transport routes between Europe and Asia meet. This makes it the largest transport and logistics hub in the Russian Far East. The most developed sectors in the region’s economy are aircraft engineering, shipbuilding, fishing, forestry and agriculture. The region is also an attractive destination for tourists. Over the last 5 years, the tourist flow of foreign visitors has grown fivefold. There are 4 advanced special economic zones in Primorye Territory and the free port with special economic terms. In 2019, Primorye Territory presents projects aimed at the development of tourism and agriculture. These include the creation of the Emerald Valley landscape and historical park, building composite vessels, highly scientific processing of mineral raw materials, creation of a ski resort and the construction of the interregional wholesale distribution centre.
The Republic of Adygea is a trustworthy partner open for constructive and mutually beneficial cooperation.
The Republic has created a flexible legal framework that regulates investment processes, has built up a vast experience in working with investors and completed a number of multimillion-worth projects.
Priority development areas for Adygea include agriculture, tourism and construction.
The display will present the region’s investment potential, as well as project proposals for co-investment in Adygea.
On top of that, the display offers its guests a busy business programme that includes meetings, negotiations with potential investors and partners, as well as signing cooperation agreements with Russia’s regions, development institutes and investors.
The Republic of Bashkortostan will present its economic and investment potential at the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi.
Bashkortostan boasts significant investment opportunities, high level of economic security and financial openness. The Republic has created a favourable environment for entrepreneurship and investment and offers advanced special economic zones, as well as regional development institutes. The Government of Bashkortostan attends to investment project support and sees to prompt resolution of administrative and infrastructural matters.
The Republic of Bashkortostan’s display will demonstrate promising investment proposals in processing industries, agriculture, transport and road construction.
Welcome to the Republic of Bashkortostan’s stand!
Republic of Crimea
At the Russian Investment Forum 2019 еhe exposition of the Republic of Crimea reflects the achievements of the regional economy over the last 5 years.
‘Success Stories’ will present two areas of focus: Active Crimea: tourism and sport, and Welcoming Crimea: agriculture industry.
A report on the annual operation of the Electronic Budget will also be demonstrated, as well as the presentation of the Yalta International Economic Forum. The region’s investment sites and territorial projects are shown on an interactive map developed by the Crimea Development Corporation.
The Republic of North Ossetia – Alania stand is presented at the 2019 Forum in Sochi with touches of national flavour. The stand demonstrates the effective projects in tourism, production of lighting equipment and agricultural machinery, creation of an agrotechnological complex, cultivation of vegetables and berries, laying of perennial plantings, fish farming, and production of construction materials.
A large delegation from Tatarstan headed by the President of the Republic Rustam Minnikhanov will once again take part in the Russian Investment Forum 2019.
Tatarstan, Russia’s leading region in socio-economic development, exhibits key industrial enterprises, six federal and dozens of regional investment sites. The Forum participants are invited to meet the leading representatives of the government and business community at the stand to explore the opportunities for doing business in the region, which was recognised three times for the best investment climate in Russia. Invest in Tatarstan! Do business in Tatarstan! Produce in Tatarstan! Be a partner of Tatarstan!
Rostov Region
Rostov Region is where the economy is growing, and every investment project is maintained.
At the 2019 Forum, the Rostov Region presents at the key areas for investment, such as port projects, wind power, innovative production, advanced special economic zones, and others.
Government of the Rostov Region
Investment Promotion Agency of Rostov Region (IPA)
RTS-tender is a federal digital platform certified for public procurement under Federal Law No. 44-FZ, procurement under Federal Law No. 223-FZ, property auctions, commercial procurement, and commercial procurement for capital repairs of common facilities in apartment complexes under Government Resolution 615-PP RF. As the selected electronic trade facility operator for public procurement, the platform set communication processes with the banks authorized to work with special accounts. RTS-tender takes an active part in digital transformation of the economy (procurement in particular) and is among the first companies to have digitalized a broad range of procurement procedures, including property auctions. The company offers a number of innovative products that will be exhibited at the stand. They will include the Contract Performance Module (CPM) for digital control and transparency of the end-to-end process – from signing contracts to their performance, as well as online factoring for swift electronical receipt of funds under completed contracts.
Russian Copper Company (RCC) uses the most state-of-the-art and environment friendly technology and equipment in copper mining and production.
At the Russian Investment Forum in Sochi, the RCC will showcase its experience in improving environmental safety in operations, as well as ongoing environmental projects in Chelyabinsk Region.
Guests will get a chance to learn how investing in existing or new operations in Russia’s regions helps restore the nature and improve the quality of life for locals.
The stand of Ryazan Region (#23 in pavilion 2) will showcase best practices in digital economy, industry, healthcare and attracting investment.
The central piece of the stand will be the cube presenting ongoing and planned projects with their key area being the Region’s digital transformation: medical tourism, telemedicine, transformation of a public officer’s workplace, CDO school, digital university, opening an innovation and research centre in Ryazan, as well as the Region’s strategy for social and economic development till 2030, and potential investment platforms (ASEZ, industry park, and Dry Port Ryazan multifunctional transport and logistics complex).
The stand will also feature an eco-bar where guests will get a chance to taste food produced in Ryazan Region.
Saratov Region
The largest infrastructure project for the construction of the Gagarin Airport hub will be completed in Saratov Region in 2019. The concept of the Region’s stand at the Forum is based on the visualization of the front side of the airport’s passenger terminal.
The project includes the construction of a 3,000-metre runway and a passenger terminal of 23,000 sq. metres with a capacity of 1 million passengers per year. The Gagarin Airport hub will be completed in September 2019.
The presentation area of the stand will provide the information on the key investment projects of the Saratov Region (that have been implemented, are being implemented, or are to be implemented) in printed materials and with the use of multimedia technologies.
In 2019, the City of Sevastopol introduces the following projects for the presentation:
- integrated development of territories in the Victory Park area;
- wholesale distribution centre in the City of Sevastopol;
- integrated development of 5 km and 7 km districts;
- Sevastopol terroir.
Several agreement signings are scheduled at the Sevastopol stand:
Cooperation agreement between the Government of Sevastopol and the Administration of the Krasnodar Region, Government of the Nizhny Novgorod Region, All Russia Public Organization Business Russia, action plan for the Agreement between the Government of Sevastopol and the Government of the Yaroslavl Region, Cooperation agreement between Sevastopol Development Corporation and ‘Promtekhnika imeni O.V. Basmanova’ Trade House, Aqualand.
Tver Region puts a focus on IT and wins!
A high-resolution spacecraft for remote surveying of the Earth, artificial intelligence and virtual reality for kids and young people – that’s the treat Tver Region has prepared for guests and participants of the Forum!
The stand demonstrates unique technology developed by Complex Systems Group: a simulation centre control system and protected distribution service for 360-degree videos. The Quantorium Technology Park will present its achievements in engineering training for kids and young people. BARL Research and Production Company will exhibit its functioning spacecraft for remote surveying of the Earth.
TechnoPlazma offers a wide range of solutions for toxic waste disposal and deactivation. It locally produces plasma arc gasification units for deactivating any waste type. This technology has proven to be environmentally safe, most efficient and cost-effective for toxic waste disposal and deactivation, including medical waste. The company has its own research and manufacturing facility. Over ten countries now use technology and products developed by our engineers. We carry on with our R&D efforts to further improve and apply our solutions.
Tula Region regularly participates in the exhibition of the regions, which takes place within at the Russian Investment Forum. This certainly contributes to attracting large Russian and foreign investors to the region.
The following investment projects will be presented at the Tula Region stand:
- Uzlovaya Special economic zone of industrial production type
- Efremov Territory of advanced socio-economic development
- Tula Embankment urban project
We invite you to join the Udmurtian Republic in celebration of the 100th anniversary of the great Russian weapons designer Mikhail Timofeevich Kalashnikov. In addition you can feel like a real biathlete at the famous Russian Biathlon Cup track.
The #TeamUdmurtia stand presents the unique medical equipment developments of the Aksion Holding motor plant, the modern achievements of the Udmurt craftsmen, the full range of flavours of the traditional Udmurt cuisine, as well as a chance to send “paper greetings” straight from the Forum.
Federal Labor and Employment Service
Federal labor and employment service is a federal executive body that performs control and oversight in the sphere of labour, employment, alternative civilian service, special assessment of labour conditions and social protection, government services for employment promotion and protection against unemployment, labour migration and adjustment of collective labour disputes, as well as provision of benefits set forth by the Russian regulation for underprivileged citizenry. Rostrud is the operator of the all-Russian job openings database ‘Work in Russia’ (, the social network for business contacts ‘SkillsNet’ (, as well as the Online Labour Inspection web portal.
Federal Agency for Youth Affairs
The Federal Agency for Youth Affairs as a public authority is focused on providing young people opportunities for using their potential in Russia.
Rospredprinimatel is a subordinate institution of Rosmolodezh, aimed at engaging young people in entrepreneurial and innovative activities, as well as developing their soft skills.
The exhibition stand will demonstrate promising innovative youth projects; all guests and participants will be able to engage in the eventful business programme.
The Federal Agency for Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) is the governing body of the state fund of mineral resources. The strategic goal of the Agency is to create conditions for the sustainable supply of mineral raw materials for the country’s industry and energy security.
Russia’s minerals and raw materials sector plays a significant role in the country’s economy, providing approximately 50% of federal budget revenues and over 70% of export earnings.
Rosnedra Agency performs systematic work to improve the Law on Subsoil and the regulatory framework, aimed at stimulating subsoil use and contributing to increase in the investment potential of the mining business.
Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Region – Yugra belongs to the most active participants of the Russian Investment Forum and its exhibition part. Yugra is globally known as Russia’s largest oil mining region and main oil-and-gas bearing territory. Khanty-Mansi Region has held a number big cultural and athletic events. In 2020 Khanty-Mansiysk will host the 44th Chess Olympiad.
Forum participants are welcome to visit Yugra’s authentic display. An interactive presentation will give visitors a chance to learn more about the Region’s investment, industrial and tourism potential, as well as taste delicacies produced under the ‘Made in Yugra’ brand.
KNL ecosystem is a trading platform where farmers, buyers, large exporters, investors and professional traders have an opportunity to interact for maximum benefit. We create an innovative marketplace with real infrastructure, logistics, insurance and P2P programmes to provide support for agricultural manufacturers. Invest with us in popular products and one of the economy’s most interesting sectors!
Kierge Jewelry house
Kierge Jewelry house was founded in 1993. The name means “outfit” or “dress” in the Yakut language.
Kierge is currently the largest jewelry company in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) that provides all kinds of jewelry services: jewelry sales; custom manufacturing of bespoke jewelry; repairing and cleaning; artistic, hand and laser engraving, gold and silver buying-up, exchange of broken pieces for new pieces, stone setting.Almost from the very beginning Kierge jewelry firm has cultivated the Republic’s image at the federal and international levels, taking part in various events and receiving awards. Kierge jewelry firm is in charge of the organization and promotion of jewelry tourism in Yakutia.
IMODERN.RU is an online furniture retailer created by people with over 20 years of experience in this industry.
Our goal is to make designer furniture more affordable and to help everyone create an eye-filling and cosy environment at home and turn it into their own unique space.
We buy furniture directly from manufacturers and deliver it to Russia ourselves, which means we can avoid unnecessary mediators and inefficient mechanisms. And that is our special feature. Most of the items are guaranteed to boast unique design alongside with best prices and services.